Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Woman Wears Corset 23 Hours a Day & Achieves Tiny Waist (PHOTO)

Is there a such thing as too much of a good thing when it comes to how teeny weeny a woman can make her waist? Barbie would disagree, but one woman's insane ritual of wearing a corset every day for 23 hours—which she has been doing for the last six years—has helped her achieve her ultimate body goal: a 20-inch waist.
Waist training has been in the news a lot lately, mostly thanks to the Kardashian sisters, who have shed inches and inches off of their already-slim waists with the help of special waist training corsets.
But a Venezuelan model named Aleira Avendano, who is 25, has every celeb who is just getting hip to this "fitness" trend beat because she has been wearing her corset for six incredibly painful (or at least uncomforable) years, and she only gives her body a break for one hour each day, which I assume is the time she takes a shower and gets dressed.
And the proof that this works is her waist—which is so small it's practically impossible to see when she is photographed from certain angles. Here she is:

Different strokes for different folks. I don't like to criticize women or men for decisions they make about their own bodies, even if this isn't my thing. The only thing I can think about when I see this is how my quality of life wouldn't be the same if I had to wear a constricting corset practically every minute of the day. For me, this wouldn't be worth the hassle or pain.
But Avendano makes a living off of her curves, more so than most  fashion models because she is a glamour model who has appeared in magazines like Playboy. With so many women going under the knife—especially in that business—it must be impossible to stand apart from others at casting calls. Avendano's crazy constant waist-training probably pays off for her when she books jobs.
I prefer a more realistic female silhouette, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find this fascinating.
Would you do what this model did to achieve a 20-inch waist?

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